Department of

Computer Science and Engineering

Tuition Fee & Waiver

Tuition Fee & Waiver

Tuition Fees of B.Sc. in CSE

Regular Program
Total Credits 150
Costs Per Credit Tk. 3,050
Total Tuition fees including Admission fee Tk. 25,600 Tk. 5,68,340
Diploma Holder's Program
Total Credits 135
Costs Per Credit Tk. 1,400
Total Tuition fees including Admission fee Tk. 15,600 Tk. 2,94,840

Fee Payment Procedure:

  1. Tuition fees and semester fees are to be paid on semester basis.
  2. Caution money for undergraduate programs is Tk. 3,000 (refundable) and for that of graduate programs is Tk. 2,000 (refundable).
  3. All payments should be made to the designated Bank by pay order /cash in the prescribed Money Receipt taken from the Accounts section of BUBT.
  4. Fees are payable as per following schedule:
    • New student: Total fees of the 1st semester to be paid at the time of admission.
    • Existing student: 50% of the total semester fees is to be paid at the time of registration and the rest 50% is payable within 30 days from the date of start of the classes of that semester or as decided and notified by the university administration from time to time.
    • A specific amount of fine shall be payable for failure to pay the fees within the schedule date. Students will not be allowed to sit for the Semester Final Examination without clearance of all their dues before the start of the Examination

There are provisions for scholarship, stipend and tuition fee waiver for the students in BUBT:

  1. Scholarships, stipends and fee waivers are awarded to a minimum of 6% students of the University on the basis of need and merit.
  2. 100 percent fee waiver is awarded to the sons and daughters of Freedom Fighters.
  3. For Undergraduate Programs special tuition fee waiver from 25% to 100% based on total GPA of the SSC and the HSC Examination results, is given for the first one year (three semesters).
  4. For subsequent semesters tuition fee waiver is also given on the basis of the examination results of each semester at BUBT.
  5. Students of Dhaka Commerce College and Principal Kazi Faruky School & College are allowed an additional 20 percent tuition fee waiver.
  6. Tuition fee waiver is available for sibling and spouse.